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来源:http://www.hnsxyzk.org  更新时间:2017-04-17 15:49  点击:() 点击这里给我发消息点击这里给我发消息
1. One antiquated rule that the authority might relax is the limit of 500 shareholders in a private company.( C )
   A. complex         B. newfound        C. outdated         D. qualified
2. The threatened taxes will slow the growth in oil demand and compromise the capacity expansion plans. ( B )
    A. accelerate       B. harm             C. promise          D. propose
3. China is losing its competitive edge in low wage labor force. ( D )
    A. margin          B. pressure          C. price             D. advantage
4. Europe and Japan are bullied into meeting American deadlines and priorities on steel disputes. ( A )
    A. threatened       B. encouraged       C. controlled        D. adjusted
5. A trade war among the developed countries will take severe harm to the world's fragile economy. ( B )
    A. strong           B. weak             C. overall           D. oversea
6. The government should restructure the moribund state industry in the northeast of China. ( B )
    A. new             B. stagnant          C. poor              D. monopolistic
7. Discovery of penicillin is probably the most important medical breakthrough last century. (  )
    A. breaking        B. achievement      C. invention         D. difficulty
8. Foreign tourist enterprises and other service industry are not entitled to any special status. ( C )
    A. deleted        B. forbidden        C. empowered       D. entered
9. Building the Special Economic Zone from scratch can be both exciting and challenging. ( D )
    A. wound                              B. foreign country
     C. domestic country                     D. the very beginning
10. The government cannot tolerate a run-down in its export and will carry out more active economic
     policies. ( D )
     A. run-away       B. change          C. barrier           D. decline
11. Foreign investment plays a major role in China's economy development. ( B )
     A. acts            B. dominates        C. improves         D. suppresses
12. Environment problems axe exacerbated in this district by polluted air from the chemical factory. ( A )
     A. worsened       B. executed         C. attributed        D. developed
13. China's export increased at an average rate of nearly 20% per annum in 1980s. ( D )
     A. period         B. every country     C. autumn          D. every year
14. The country's international reserves are managed by the Bank of China which specializes in foreign exchange business. (  )
     A. serves friendly                       B. acts professionally
     C. explains clearly                     D. works effectively
15. It is difficult for those poorest African countries to disburse the loan borrowed from the World Bank. ( B )
     A. cheek         B. pay             C. collect           D. delay
technology transfer
 certificate of origin
current account
portfolio investment
registered capital
most-favored-nation treatment
securities and real estate markets
convertible currency
consumer goods
26. wholesaler
27. visible trade account
28. preferential tax rate
29. fiscal packages
30. trade sanctions
31. fledgling industries
32. intellectual property right
33. trade surplus
34. headquarters
35. countervailing duty
Passage 1
     What is more, currency movements over the past year have unexpectedly made matters worse for many producers. In the fn'st half of the 1980s, it was conventional wisdom to say that the exceptional strength of the dollar was partly responsible for -- and helped to offset -- the increasing weakness of dollar-dominated commodity prices. All other things being equal, so the argument went, a subsequent fall in the dollar might be expected to give a compensating boost to dollar commodity prices.
36. What do "all other things" refer mainly to?
The market forces - chiefly demand and supply.
37. What was the "fall in the dollar" subsequent to?
It was subsequent to the rise in the dollar described in the above lines of the same paragraph
38. Why should the "boost" have been a compensating one?
The usage of compensating implies that once the US currency movement had the dollar commodity price suffer a loss.
Passage 2
     Countertrade is not the exclusive province of debtor nations. Says Yoffie," Even countries with strong foreign exchange positions, such as Australia, Canada and Indonesia, are insisting on countertrade in certain areas. Linking imports and exports is a way to exert power over multinational corporations. Countries that lack expertise in international marketing try to use countertrade as leverage to tap the net-works of global firms."
     But international trade by barter is, in fact, an inefficient and expensive means of doing business compared to trading with money. Observes David Yoffie, "To cover the additional costs it incurs in handling goods it is forced to take in countertrade, a multinational company simply boosts the price of the goods it sells." Yoffie sees countertrade as a form of protectionism. "It help one group and hurt another," he says.
39. What does "global fnms" refer to?
Multinational corporations.
40. What is meant by "tap the net-works of global firms"?
To find access to "the network".
41. In what sense is countertrade seen as a form of protectionism?
Countertrade involves conditional buying or allows no free choice in importing. That is both against competition and free trade.
Passage 1
China's Economic Role Is Burgeoning
     For Japanese businesses grappling with the strong yen, China is especially attractive. Japan's domestic market is sagging, and yen-based costs are pricing its exports too high. China offers a thriving market and a cheap production base. Nearly one of every 10 yen that Japanese companies invest this year will end up in China, by one estimate. The latest move: Akai Electric Co. pledged $230 million for 81% of a Hong Kong company that is South China's biggest maker of consumer electronic goods. It then laid off 40% of its Japanese workforce.
     China's market could grow even more important, and not just to Asia. Deputy U. S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshevsky, in recent testimony to Congress, noted that although Sino-American trade surged to $40 billion last year from only $2 billion when Beijing began its economic reforms in 1979, trade in some areas, notably services, is still closed.
     To be sure, China's trade expansion hasn't been smooth. This year, Beijing averted U. S. sanctions by settling a dispute over copyright and patent protection. And China will also open its market further to meet global standards.
42. The strong yen had negative influences on Japan's export.    T
43. Almost 10 percent of Japan's investment poured into China.    T
44. Sino-American trade means foreign trade between Japan and the U. S..    F
45. Japanese companies' investment in China will increase employment in Japan.   F
46. A dispute arose between China and the U.S. on intellectual property protection.   T
Passage 2
Smooth Ride on the Road to Success
     Dubai is concentrating on consolidating its position as the region's leading location for trade, business and pleasure and entertains few thoughts of changing a winning formula.  In early November, customs officials ruled out any increase in the current four per cent import tariff, even though other GCC members have been calling on the UAE to raise levies, so that a uniform customs duty can be established. Government official have also been quick to dismiss any suggestions that the emirate plans to introduce some form of income tax.
     As the heavy investment continues in infrastructure, tourism and business conferences, Dubai is working on polishing its image. On the business front, the government is leading by example. In the interests of greater transparency, state-owned organizations like Emirates airline have started to publish financial results. The authorities are also working to ensure that services are delivered professionally.
    The range of economic activity remains one of the UAE's great strengths in combating the periodic downtums in the oil market. Nevertheless, it is widely acknowledged that the oil price continues to have a disproportionate bearing on the economy's well being and that further diversification is required. Strong emphasis is being attached to the development of non-oil activity, whether it would be through joint stock investment companies, like the recently-formed Dubai Investments, government agencies such as the UAW Offsets Group or private sector initiatives.
    The attitude of the local private sector towards industrial investment varies considerably, although there are signs that more investors are becoming aware of its commercial benefits. "The old generation is still into real estate." Says EBI's al-Jallaf. "Whenever they have some spare cash they will invest it in land, as they consider it safe. But here is also a whole new younger generation coming along, who knows that industry can deliver. What they tend to is to set up some venture which runs parallel to their trading activities."
47. Customs in Dubai will increase the current import tariff by 4%.   F
48. Emirates airline is operated by the government.  T
49. Diversification means development of non-oil activity in UAE.   T
50. Dubai is planning to levy income tax.   F
51. The younger generation has different investment idea with the old generation.   T
52.   Against this deteriorating global background, the improvement in economic performance in a few developing regions in 1991——which carried over into 1992——was especially noteworthy.This improvement is attributable, in part, to the implementation by many governments of measures to stabilize their economies and restructure incentives to encourage private initiative and international trade.  Policy reforms in Latin America helped to moderate inflation and domestic demand; East Asia economics, supported by growth in export volume in the range of 10 per cent and by robust domestic demand, continued to grow rapidly. Also noteworthy was the implementation by the Pads Club of a new menu of enhanced concessions on debt rescheduling for the severely indebted, low-income countries.
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